Tuesday, July 10, 2007


Have I mentioned that I am on the Steering Team for my MOPS (Mothers Of PreSchoolers)? I'm the Publicity Team Leader which is pretty much the MOPS secretary. I create a monthly newsletter and email list, all advertising sort of things (brochures, business cards, calendars), and maintain the web site. I absolutely love the role I am in. And now, I've decided to start scrapping our meetings. Our coordinator says they are going to start a scrapbook on paper, and that's great, but I've been in MOPS for 3 years now and have not seen any sort of album, so starting this year, I'm going to attempt to take pictures at all our events and meetings and create a digital scrapbook. I'm very excited to start this project. I know that I will love having the memorial and hope that the group appreciates my efforts even though they want to also do a paper one. I think a paper one is a wonderful idea, but I just don't have the time anymore to sit down and scrap like I used to. Hannah is 3 and I have the first 2 years of her life scrapped on paper. Cayden is one and the only thing I've scrapped for him is to put pictures in a scrapbook my sister in law gave me when he was born. Thank goodness she did that or I wouldn't have anything of him scrapped :(

Anyway, I created a little layout and I wanted to share it with y'all. It's very basic as I have added it to our MOPS Web Site. It's just something I made to document our Great MOMS Walk 2007.

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