Saturday, December 29, 2007

Toot! Toot! LOTD at Make It Scrappy

After a long night with my children, both of whom have some sort of ailment, I woke up this morning to take Hannah to the pediatrician for a fever, sore throat, and croupy cough. She has viral tonsilitis, which is very interesting, especially since she doesn't have tonsils.

Anyway, we returned home, changed the sheets on our bed, set Hannah up with a DVD (Barbie Rapunzel, if you must know), and got Cayden down for his morning nap (yes, my 20 month old takes two naps, still!).

I'm finally able to sit down and check my email and see that I've been selected as LOTD at Make It Scrappy. I receive the honor for this LO that I created lasat month using HeidiG's QP of SeAScrApS kit, Boyish! I love this LO. . I love that I did nothing to C's eyes and that they just POP off the page!


Jackie said...

YAY! Congrats!!!

Amanda said...

Congrats on beign the LOTD!